Monday, January 5, 2009

Will the real Incredible Hulk please stand up

Eli and Madison both received Hulk gloves for Christmas (yes we do encourage our children to work out their issues between themselves) and while they have put them to good use, Lillie has decided that she would like to join in. The last couple of nights she has dug these out of Eli's room (Madison keeps all her possessions under lock and key) and worn them around the house. You would think she would take full advantage and at least attempt to clobber her brother, however, she calmly walks around as if they were nothing more than a pair of mittens. Tonight she was so cute that I couldn't resist taking a few pictures.


bopha said...

Too cute! Just another pair of hands, only slightly larger.

Anonymous said...

I love that the Hulk has a pacifier to go with those mean hands.

amy said...

That's cracking me up! All I can think is... How is she able to hold those huge gloves up with her tiny little hands and arms??

Hannah Cooper said...

so i'm out of the country now. time to update the blog!